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Past Event

2021 Annual Educational Forum

Our Annual Educational Forum is our signature fall fundraising event that brings together Notre Dame Health Care friends, family, and partners for an evening of fun to support our mission of care and service to our residents, patients, families, staff, and students.


2021 Annual Educational Forum Watch Party Photos

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Tom Manning, at the 2021 Ed Forum pre-recording session
Sister Lorraine Connell, at the 2021 Ed Forum pre-recording session
Shelley and Sue from our Hospice and Palliative Care programs, enjoying the 2021 Ed Forum
Sister Marna Rogers, inspired by our 2021 Ed Forum speaker, writes a letter to a stranger
Patty and Sue from our Hospice and Palliative Care programs, enjoying the 2021 Ed Forum
The Bunker Family enjoying the 2021 Ed Forum
Sister Lorraine Connell, enjoying the 2021 Ed Forum
Ricki Rose enjoying the 2021 Ed Forum with MariAnn from our Long Term Care and Rehabilitation Center
Residents of du Lac Assisted Living enjoying the 2021 Ed Forum
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